Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Robotics Workshop at Higher Secondary School

Robotics Workshop - Introduction to Basic Electronics and Robots

With a motive to promote Robotics in Higher Secondary School (Bikrant Poudel, Binayak Tiwari, Rohit Singh and Sabin Adhikari ), we have  designed 5 days course-, the basics electronics to the Microcontroller training (AVR).

31 Students took part on the robotics workshop from the Caribbean Higher Secondary School and Omega International School.

The first day of Program :

Students were divided into two groups. Introduction to basic electronics and basic programming concept were delivered. Students were eager to learn and participate.

The second day of the Program :

Basic LED Blinking Program was implemented on AVR Development board. LDR based Switching sytem was taught.

The three other classes are to be conducted  on February

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