Thursday, March 10, 2011

hope for the best

I believe I can change my country situation (Economic). First of all, I want to know where my country lies (position). The people of multiple castes living in a community are deprived from their fundamental rights of food, clothes, shelter. Whenever I have watched the movies related to Somalia war, read books relating to world war, and situation of Jews during Hitler’s period, I have observe a similar situation that my country was going to face in near future if present political and economic scenario doesn’t changes. When I visited to rural areas, mostly I have seen families were dependent on the money sent by their aboard sons or daughter. A mass of youth generation leaving country. According to report, around thousands people daily left the country. So, here by I declared I will never go to earn money in foreign land. I used to see money earning s in my own country. I wanted to do business. I believe, I can do best at this field. I believe, I can be an example at this field. I just needed a time to start for it. I wanted to start it.
I have thought of completion of graduation and start on my dream carrier. I have seen lots of possibilities in the field of tourism. I want to make sure for myself I wanted to be diverse businessman. I have seen profits and best outcome in every field, from food products, clothing products to entertainment products. I am sure that I can earn better at tourism and at educational institutions but I want to make sure that I must have sufficient knowledge in it. Not only sufficient but full and should be enthusiastic in it. Nepal is a beautiful country, it has natural beauty but it just needed artificial attraction. When I visited Darjeeling, I found only artificial things making me attracted towards that area. I bet Nepal has lots of places where only few artificial beauties are required for its development.
I have dream to make it sure our country will be one of the first choice of tourist destination. I believe I can work to preserve our ancient culture and shall give a new taste to foreigners to see our cultural beauties. I want to preserve all those ancient folk dances, ancient our cultural dresses, our cultural ethics and our religion. I want to establish the finest hotels that provide the taste of Nepali dishes, culture, values and norms. Let them know they are at the best place of world. I believe I can do it.
What actually I was doing at engineering field? I was sure to make myself; I am ready for upcoming years. I believe that communication has developed so much people wants to spent their much money in entertainment sector rather than having a good meal at house. I am sure; in the near future I will never get a chance to go college and study. I should really struggle hard at this point. I must admit it. If I want to change the present communication situation of Nepal and introduce new technologies in country then I must struggle today. What you are going to be tomorrow is being determined by yours today work………… I want to make sure that each and every people must be connected to the global world. It may take years to come but I want to make sure to myself, after my completion of engineering I would work in this field. That will be the best time that I was waiting from each day today.
I wanted to see myself as a pioneer person who wants to change his country. I know today’s political situation is worse. It may be same up to five or more than five years. The economic situation of nation is being degraded day by day, I must work for it. No doubt I will work for it. I want to see my nation as one of best developed nation in the world. Our land area is too small and production and industrialization process is too low. Big industries are required to chance nation situation. I want to see a farmer who does farming in a land that is visible to his eyes. The production of 10 farmers like him can run an industry. I want to see farmers earning and leaving a high prestigious life. I want to see dignity of work in people around us.

to be continue...............................

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